An open source project like Kunena requires the dedication and investment of personal time from various contributors. This version of Kunena Forum has been made possible by the following contributors :
fxstein Kunena developer and admin of the world largest Yamaha Star VMax community at www.starVmax.com/forum/
Matias Kunena Developer
severdia Kunena Developer
xillibit Kunena Developer
@quila Kunena Contributor
810 Kunena Contributor
alakentu Kunena Moderator
LDA Kunena Contributor
Rich Kunena Moderator
sozzled Kunena Moderator
Special thanks go to Beat and the CB Testing team, Cerberus, DTP2, LittleJohn and JoniJnm for significant contributions to Kunena. In addition many members of www.Kunena.com have contributed and helped make this a more stable and bugfree version. Our thanks go out to all contributors of Kunena!
Language credits :
English translation was made by Kunena Team with many suggestions and corrections from our community. We also like to give special thanks to all our translators, who have worked hard to localize Kunena to their own languages.