North Bristol Mountain Bike Club

Bristol Mountain biking in and around Ashton Court, Leigh Woods, Bristol.

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North Bristol Mountain Bike

The club is for mountain bike riders of any age and sex no matter where you live come along and have a fun ride. The club is completely free with no joining fee or membership, we do not make any money or charge any, we just love riding mountain bikes with like minded people.We generally ride at Ashton Court and Leigh Woods on a Sunday morning meeting at around 09:00am in North Road as we all have families so we can still be back around lunch time and earn some much needed brownie points?

Ashton Court Trail Map

Leigh Woods "Yer tiz"

trail Map

001_18 No Fees - no contract, just fun Lots of fun
001_18   Learn the local trails
001_18 Weekend and evening ride (where weather permits)
001_18 Get advice on bikes, biking gear and bike maintenance(we have been around MTB for such a long time we have already fallen in all the pit falls)

We also organize rides over the bridge to sunny South Wales to some of the trail centres, weekends away and also in Europe. It’s not all riding, we will be organising social events as well, and we have our website so we can chat, plan and share our photos.

001_18 No Drop means no rider gets left behind. Ride leaders endeavour to accompany the slowest rider(s) in your group, so the slower riders do not feel abandoned. No one gets abandoned.

001_18 No Pressure means that all rides are fun, relaxed trail rides. If you feel the need to walk a section of trail because you're not ready for it, no one will force you or make you feel inadequate for not riding above your level.

001_18 No Ego means every rider is treated as an equal, no matter what their level. All riders, new and active members, newbies and experts, represent Mere Mortals on that ride. This enables other members to ride in a non-threatening way



No Helmet NO RIDE! 001_59

No unaccompanied rider under the age of 16yrs


An abusive nature to other riders or public will not be tolerated

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